Tuesday, May 1, 2012



One of the benefits of driving for hours each day with Cooper is that we have some really great conversations. It's the only thing that I'll miss when he transitions to his new school.

We were chatting yesterday and he started asking me questions.

Cooper- "Momma, do you know what SMPA is?"
Me- "Yes, St. M Parents Association"
Cooper- "That's right. What about the SMBA?"
Me- "Yes, St. M Basketball Association"
Cooper- "Ok, this is a hard one. What about the CIAA?"
Me- "Ummm...Colonial something Athletic Association?"
Cooper- "Nope, not even close"
Me- "I give up, what is it?"
Cooper- "It's the Cooper Is Awesome Association"
Me- "Well, I absolutely need to join!"

I love that little kid, he really is awesome!

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