Monday, November 14, 2011

Vegetable Challenged

Cooper didn't have school today (but Jon did) so we spent the day together at the river. Our neighbor planted a fall garden in our field and there were some random crops still in various stages of growing and we were doing some exploring.

I found this-

And I promptly sent the picture to Jon with a message that said,
I thought I was so funny.

Until tonight at dinner when I said, "Hey, didn't you think my beet message was so hilarious?"

And he said, "Yeah, especially because it was a radish!"

Oops, I'm beet red!!
(and I make myself laugh!!)

But really, does that look like a radish to you? It was white inside, and it did smell radish-y, but my word. It was enormous!

Here's hoping you ate some veggies today that were recognizable.


melissa said...

I was tasked with getting lettuce for hamburgers and came home with cabbage. I didn't think we needed that much and my head of lettuce was smaller.... Oops. And that was only a few years ago... Needless to say I got out of the grocery shopping AND cooking! I'm the laundry girl.

Marlee said...

Catching up on you and laughing OUT LOUD! Especailly the dishes. Love it.

Christa said...

Oh, yes. Had Tomato Pie tonight! But of course that is not really a veggie. It's a fruit. Does it still count?