Thursday, September 10, 2009

C is for Cruise (Great Photo Find!)

How great is this?? A collage in the shape of a letter?? Stop the photo madness!!!

C for cruise2

Or you can do this....

C for cruise

I need to figure out how to organize the pictures so that the ones that you really want to showcase are actually on top...but I'm so excited about the potential that I couldn't play around with details!

This is the free version of shape collage....for the low, low price of $25 you can upgrade and evidently do even more fabulous things. Slowly, I'm being 25 dollared to the poor free for me is fine for now.

Ok, I couldn't help it. There is a custom feature that allows you to draw the shape that you want the collage to be. Below is one that was created from a drawing I did of a house.


Nope, it looks nothing like my drawing, but it did make the pictures spread out so they're a little more viewable. I may become addicted!

Try it!

1 comment:

Jennifer Barnum said...

LOVE the C picture collage!